What is quantum technology? and applications of quantum technology
Quantum technology is a new field of physics and engineering that carries forward some features of quantum mechanics, especially quantum teleportation and, most recently, quantum teleportation. Quantum tunneling has practical applications such as quantum computers, quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum measurement, quantum sensors and quantum imaging.
History of quantum technology development.
The field of quantum technology was first outlined in a 1997 book by Gerard J. Milburn, which was later followed by a 2003 article by Jonathan P. Dowling and Gerard J. Milburn, as well as a 2003 article by David Deutsch The field of quantum technology has benefited greatly from the influx of new ideas from the field of quantum information processing, especially quantum computing. Different areas of quantum physics, such as quantum optics, atomic optics, quantum electronics, and quantum nanoscale devices, have been unified under the search for a quantum computer. and introduced a common language, which is theoretical quantum information.
Today quantum technology development is a global effort, with all countries having companies and governments actively developing and supporting new quantum computing solutions (R&D).
Quantum applications: Used in medicine, quantum physics, quantum computing, highly sensitive sensors, secure communications, atomic clocks…
Quantum computing is a subset of quantum technology, which is becoming increasingly important and changing the way we think about applications in physics, mathematics and computer science.
Quantum technology is a field that studies and applies the principles of phenomena related to quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics is a physics theory that describes how small atomic and molecular particles interact with each other in a world that is extremely small and completely different from the world of classical physics. we are familiar with.
Quantum technology is being developed and applied to new developments in many fields, including:
- Quantum computers: Quantum technology has the ability to perform calculations on the basis of quantum principles, allowing to solve complex problems that classical computers cannot handle effectively. Quantum computers are capable of performing multiple calculations at once through the phenomenon of hyperdeterminism, helping to solve problems such as optimization, complex simulations, and data encryption.
- Quantum security: Quantum technology can be used to create advanced security systems, such as quantum encryption. Quantum encryption uses the properties of quantum mechanics to ensure the privacy and security of information during transmission.
- Quantum sensors: Quantum technology has the ability to create ultra-sensitive sensors, allowing precise measurements of physical parameters such as measuring magnetic fields, light, temperature, and pressure. Quantum sensors can have superior performance compared to classical sensors. (iv) Quantum networks: Quantum technology can be used to create quantum networks for communication and communication. Quantum networks can help increase efficiency and security in information transmission. (v) Quantum materials: Quantum technology can help create materials with unique properties based on quantum phenomena, such as good electrical conductors, superconductors, and improved materials. battery performance and electronics.
Quantum computing activities can be seen on every continent, with key flagship initiatives realized in most G20 countries. Private investment is growing rapidly – and the shift from venture capital to early public services marks the growing maturity of the industry. According to the World Economic Forum (State of Quantum Computing: Building a Quantum Economy, September 2022), total public and private investment could reach 35.5 billion USD in 2022 across a range of quantum technologies. These multi-billion dollar investments drive technological advances. It is important to note that these numbers are low estimates because not all public investment is captured due to national security concerns and what is tracked and reported in different areas . With huge public and private investments, both established and newly established companies from around the world show increased momentum with the development of this technology.
A strong combination of public and private investments has created a diverse group of companies to develop quantum computers or key building blocks. At the beginning of 2022, 46 companies worldwide are actively developing quantum computing hardware. More and more startups are entering this field and attracting capital from investors around the world. As a result, today’s early quantum computers work with a variety of hardware platforms in different stages of development. These include superconducting qubits, neutral atoms, trapped ions, photonic qubits, and silicon-based qubits.
::#congngheluongtu , Công nghệ lượng tử, Quantum, Quantum Application, Quantum computers, Computer Scient, Quantum sensors, quantum security.
量子,量子応用,量子コンピュータ,コンピュータサイエンス,量子センサー,量子セキュリティ, quantum tecnology.
Tags: Computer Scient, Jonathan P. Dowling, mathematics, physics, Quantum, Quantum Application, Quantum computers, Quantum security, Quantum sensors, quantum technology, コンピュータサイエンス, 量子, 量子コンピュータ, 量子セキュリティ, 量子センサー, 量子安全, 量子応用, 量子感測器, 量子應用, 量子電腦, 電腦科學
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