How to create a wordpress site?
You chooise APPSERV or XAMPP intall to your PC.
You download WordPress to local of XAMPP or Appserv in www or htdocs folder.
After installing a complete localhost, we can now install WordPress on localhost to create a website on our virtual host network.
Before installing, you should create a separate folder in the folder “C: Mampp htdocs” for easy management, you can add virtual domain names if you like.
Step 1. Download the source code from the website
First, download the latest version of WordPress source code at
Then extract it to get a folder called “wordpress”. It is possible that this wordpress folder will be nested in another folder called wordpress-x (here is the version number), but in general you will get a wordpress folder as shown below.
Directory after extracting the source code
Continue, go to the wordpress directory, you will see that there are a number of folders named wp-admin, wp-includes, wp-content and some files named index.php, wp-config-sample.php , … All this file and directory, we call it WordPress source code.
Step 2. Copy WordPress source code into Localhost
Now, copy all the files and folders to your website directory in localhost (eg C: XP htdocs). This means that you only copy the source files and folders, not copy the wordpress folder because we need to install WordPress on the domain http: // localhost/wordpress, if you copy the wordpress folder to your website The path will be http: // localhost / wordpress /.

Step 3. Create a new database
To run WordPress, your localhost must have a database that uses MySQL so that it can store soft data into it like articles, settings, etc. on the website.
How to create a database on localhost I have meticulous instructions here, you can go see it.
Step 4. Run the website to install
After the copy is complete, open the XAMPP control panel and start Apache and MySQL. Then visit the website with the link http: // localhost / thachpham

Now, it will display the language menu to install for WordPress, choose English and press Continue.
Select the language when installing WordPressChoose the language when installing WordPress
In the next step, it will prompt you not to proceed to change the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php and declare the database information there. Please press Let’s Go so it can do it for you.

And now is entering database information ..

Keep in mind that on localhost, the database User Name is always root, the password is blank (there is still a way to set up, but not necessary) and the Database Host is always localhost.
Table Prefix means the database prefix contains WordPress data, by default it will be wp_, we can change it to anything but must have _ behind.
When entering the database information, press the Submit button to proceed to the next step. If the next step is displayed as shown below, it means that you have entered the database information correctly, press the Run the install button to start the installation.

In this installation step, you will need to set up important information for the website such as the name of the website, the admin account name and the password, … Enter the finished, press the Install WordPress button.
And if it shows the word Success! As this is a successful installation, click the Log in button to log in to the WordPress admin panel.
cai-dat-wordpress-localhost-09 And here is the admin page of WordPress.
WordPress admin page after installing WordPress admin page after installation
And here, I need you to understand that, if you access the main domain name like http: // localhost / wordpress, it will come to the homepage of WordPress website like this.
Website homepage after installing WordPress Home website after installing WordPress
If you want to access the Admin admin page of WordPress, you will add / wp-admin to the path to http: // localhost / wordpress / wp-admin.
In this article, you learned how to install a WordPress page on the localhost environment in great detail, and I believe you will be able to do it. Please continue to see the following articles to learn how to use and administer WordPress.
At Chrome or Molliza Firefox: Type http://localhost/wordpress/ and view to your site.
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