Analysis of animal abuse in children (Reference).
Animal cruelty is a psychological conduct disorder (Conduct Disorder – CD) in the two most recent editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders. psychosis by the American Psychiatric Association (DSM; APA, 2013, 2022) and there is mounting evidence that such behavior can be a particularly dangerous symptom.
In children, violence against animals or acts of cruelty towards animals is due to a number of causes from adults abusing animals that children have seen.
Actions of adults abusing animals or affecting domestic violence, violence in the family, parents arguing, gesticulating, etc.
These causes make children violent towards animals, gradually leading to the formation of negative psychology in children.
From the above causes to the emotional and psychological consequences when children grow up. Children who grow up tend to be violent, impatient, cannot resolve conflicts with words or arguments, but will use violence to achieve their goals, lack love, and lack sophistication in character. and action…
The actions of adults will have a profound impact on children’s psychology and their psychological development. These are red warnings for children’s psychology, very dangerous, the formation of that psychology can can lead to illegal acts, etc. In the Children’s Behavior Checklist (CBCL, Achenbach, 1991), “cruelty to animals” is a sign that is surveyed to evaluate and screen for problems. about behavior. Early research in this area focused on the triad of behaviors that predict violence: bed-wetting, arson, and animal cruelty (MacDonal Triad, 1963). Many violent criminals have committed acts of cruelty to animals in the past. However, not every child who commits acts of cruelty to animals is diagnosed with conduct disorder and vice versa. And not all children who treat animals cruelly become criminals when they grow up and vice versa.
Often children commit acts of animal cruelty when they have witnessed or experienced abuse themselves. Many figures show that 30% of children who have witnessed domestic violence repeat those acts against their pets. In fact, the connection between animal violence and interpersonal violence is such a well-known problem that many communities in the United States have been training not only animal control centers, but There are also ways to recognize signs of animal abuse because they can indicate other acts of violence.
Curiosity and desire to explore:
(For example, a child plays with an animal that is injured or killed. This often happens in children who are too young to be conscious or who are developmentally delayed.)
Pressure from children of the same age: From other children’s games, involving animal abuse…
Mood changes easily, or is affected by boredom, sadness…
Having fear or hatred of a certain type of animal, due to being attacked by that animal. From then on, the psychology of fear and revenge…
Due to stress or emotional disorders, suggestion: Causes due to suggestion, autosuggestion, mild mental disorder syndrome are completely harmless.
Sexual satisfaction (Animalistic, having sexual thoughts and tendencies related to animals).
The psychology of not satisfying desires, not being satisfied, not being happy… Also leads to negative actions.
Forced: Forced to commit violence, or violence against another person committed by an adult, dangerous action.
The psychology of wanting to show off: The psychology of wanting to show off, wanting to prove, wanting to assert strength, wanting to show one’s ego…, this psychology often appears in children from 10 years old to 18 years old.
Children who are victims of bullying: (Children who are victims of bullying may try to relieve their inhibitions/phobias by torturing small, helpless animals). Release anger…
Likes: Likes to play on pain/trauma (Constantly committing animal cruelty).
Simulation/Imitation: Imitation of other people’s behaviors (abuses of parents or other adults that they observe on animals and behaviors related to physical violence) object).
Self-harm (Using animals as a tool to injure oneself, such as deliberately teasing dogs and cats to make them uncomfortable and protest, causing physical injuries: scratches, bite…), this can be a behavior that leads to negative psychology, or being anti-social, anti-self…
As a means of expressing yourself to others: A means is using animals or objects… to hurt other people’s feelings (hurting the pet of someone you hate to terrorize them psychologically).
Practice for criminal acts (Children committing acts of violence against animals can also be a “stepping stone” or “preparation” before they commit those acts on people Future).
Above are some reasons for our reference, children are like blank sheets of paper, we should give them love, affection, sophistication, teach them good things with love… Don’t let for our actions that affect children’s development, whether unintentionally or intentionally. Children are to love and protect.
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